Friday, November 14, 2008

2 Days in a Row!

So I had to come back into town today because damn cows broke into Agreenar's garden and ate everything. So Im buying seed and food for us. And you people are blessed with another story that I wrote awhile back. Im thinking about staying the night so maybe I will post again tomorrow. but no promises...the old korean man sitting next to me just answered his phone, the ring tone was 'the boots with the fur' song. WOW!

Hankering for Ammenities
Two seasoned PC vets, Persian and Polish, cycled to my hut for a day visit. They were amazed at my lack of ammenities. I was surprised there were such things as ammenities in this country.
"ya know, things with batteries." i dont have any batteries.
"no ipod, no radio, no magazines from home, no game boy." says Polish. "And (gasp) your books are mostly non-fiction. You dont even have a fork." Persian, looking very concerned for my mental health, says "What do you do when you get bored?" oh, I get hankerings. "you what?"
Sometimes I get these hankerings. Its not so much a wanting to do something or even a need. Its like a subconscious obligation manifesting itself in your physical body. It is indeed a hankering. The other night I was thinking I was going to sleep. I had blown out the candles, tucked myself inside the force field mos net and yet I had a hankering. I should have known it was coming since I had a boring day but the muscles in-between my shoulder blades were twitching. Tossing and turning and singing a lullaby had no effect. It was Slim Jim time.
Slim Jims. Those slim sticks smoked snacks that require a snap! I had recently acquired a box of slim jims from my grandma. And much to my surprise even though the box advertised 5, when I opened it there were 7 sticks. The perfect amount for my hankering. But after three, I had another hankering.
This one came with a dilemna.
You see I really wanted a mountain dew. But since I live in the bush, there is nowhere to do the dew. (plenty of space to do the deed, but thats another blog)
But being resourceful like a good PCV I remembered I had some powdered drink mixes graciously bestowed upon me by my over-prepared pal. So I killed all the ants surrounding my water filter and set about measuring out my sugary powders into a sweet shake in accordance to what I imagined would be the eqivalent of mountain dew's delicious recipe. And using the scientific method of hypothesy, experiment and observation - - I am here to testify that if you drink lemonade and green tea with the aftertaste of slim jims still tinkling your tastebuds, while chanting (do the dew, do the dew) in your mind -- it does in fact seem like one could possibly be drinking a third world's version of Mountain Dew.
The vets werent that impressed. So I mentioned that Im writing a book.
"about what?"
the meaning of life.
"so about nothing?" polish deduced.
or everything, the two really arent that different.
Then Persian stood, "Well, I have a hankering for a Super Maheo." Since Im still new to the Zambian snack culture, I had no idea what a Super Maheo was. Only that it made me think of Super Mario Brothers. Which made me remember Polish inferring that some bastard in country had a game boy. Knowing I should take this opportunity to support a fellow PCV's hankering (and gather more information on possible ammenities) we started walking to Shady Ave.
Shady Ave is a brisk 10 min stroll from my hut. If you like taking brisk strolls in the middle of the day. I dont, so I rarely venture out to this business district.
During the walk Persian took the time to describe in unneccessary detail the ins and outs of Super Maheo --"an energy drink manufactured in Zambian's thriving national capital out of maize and fruit flavors. strawberry banana being the best and buttercream the worst" --before I could interject with the fact that neither butter nor cream were fruits, we arrived at the ave.
Polish marched confidently into the first shop and as I meekly followed my eyes burst open with glee. boom (zam soap), sugar, flour, biscutts, girlfriend (zam lotion), etc. Who needs ammenities when I have Shady Ave! The propietor said he only had buttercream super maheo. Persian was noticebly disapointed. But to Polish's surprise, this lovely establishment was stocked with Yess! drinks.
So we purchased three bottles and stepped outside. I felt a bit betrayed as I had just spent time learning the history of Super Maheo and I didnt want to prostitute my tastebuds. But without having a proper introduction to Yess! I ripped off the lid and took a swig.
Polish was saying that this flavor happened to be one of her favorites. But I wasnt listening because I knew this flavor. It was like drinking lemonade and green tea with a slim jim aftertaste. Persian remarked, "yea, it reminds me of something back home." yea, I stammered, its the third world's version of attempting to do the dew.
Polish, "what?"
I mean, its my ammenity.
Persian and Polish, sweat glistening on their foreheads as we briskly strolled, beamed with the pride of vets witnessing the maturing of a rookie. Needless to say I was refreshed but now that I have this hankering for Super Mario brothers...


mablepony said...

BRITTANY! i love you, i miss you, and i believe in God's power through you. keep writing. keep on writing. you are beautiful. you give me hope for the world. fluff shakira for me.

Courtney said...

I drank a mountain dew on my break at work the other day and I thought of you, because I NEVER drink mountain dew and for some reason it just sounded like Heaven to me. I love your stories. So far I have had 3 dreams about us in Zambia. Your blogs give me a more clear glimpse of what its actually like. Lately I have been having a hankering for whats eating gilbert grape but ill be saving that for you. your sister loves you.